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Dourado, Brazil 2016 & 2018
It's rough but somebody has to sacrifice! The setting for these workshops was Fazenda Monte Alto near Dourado, SP, Brazil. They were arranged by Astolfo Araujo, Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia da Universidade de São Paulo. The fazenda was provided, gratis, by Ricardo Bastos, owner and Renaissance Man. The fazenda is a coffee plantation managed by Maria Helena Montero (see website ). This is also the headquarters for our archaeological explorations and excavations at the Bastos Site (Current Project).
2016 workshop participants
View of main house across fishing pond One of many amenities View from 'archaeology house'
Each workshop was 4 days long with a day in the middle to collect stone and visit our excavations at the Bastos Site. There is an excellent source of quality Montero silicified sandstone on the fazenda, which is excellent for beginners and teaching using my method (see Nihewan and Cordoba workshops for descriptions).
Collecting raw material at the Montero source
Replica fishtail points of Montero silicified sandstone
Introductory session
Happy knappers
Knapping practice
The workshops were certified by the University of São Paulo with each participant receiving a certificate.
Certificate of participation in the workshop
Throughout the workshop I was ably assisted by João Carlos Moreno. He contributed stones, logistical support, moral support (mainly for the students), humor, teaching and most importantly, maize ice cream (for me).
João (Joca) Carlos, Rodrigo (Cabron) Angeles, me
Astolfo explaining the setting of the Bastos Site fromthe overlook
A closer look at the Bastos Site
I'm positive we took group pictures in 2018 but I couldn't find one so here is a list of the participants: Janaina Caitinlo, Rodrigo Angeles, Marcelo Toledo, Pedro Cheiz, Helaisa dos Santas, Renata Araujo, Ingrend Americana, Gabriel Procipio, Rafael Miranda, Isabel Perez and Otis Crandel.
Approximately 1/2 of the fazenda is being returned to a natural state and wildlife,especially birds, are flourishing.
Red-legged Seriema
Great Kiskadee
Unidentified frog
Yellow-bellied water snake
Unidentified paper wasp dangerous
Unidentified rattlesnake
Unidentified spider
Praying mantis
Fishing for dinner
Starting chrysalis
There are 4 ponds on the fazenda and all have fish. So far, my catches have been limited to tilapia, tarariraand one carp. I have also seen a large pacu. I releasee the tararira but keep he larger tilapia,whichIcook for the crew